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作者:管理员 来源: 日期:23-06-20 阅读:次

QW sewage pump manual

Introduction (介绍)
QW series submersible sewage pump is developed on the basis of the advanced foreign technology. It is mainly used for sewage treatment plants, industrial drainage systems, and pumping stations. Its impeller adopts a unique spiral structure design to effectively avoid the winding and blocking of fibrous materials, and it is equipped with an ultimate mechanical seal and leak-proof diaphragm to ensure the reliable operation of the pump.


Features (特点)
1. The motor and pump are integrated, compact in structure, and easy to install and test.
2. The impeller adopts a unique spiral structure design, which can effectively avoid winding and blocking of fibrous materials.
3. The overall structure of the pump is sturdy and durable, and the pump casing is made of high-quality cast iron, which has the characteristics of excellent anti-corrosion and anti-wear properties.
4. The use of high-end mechanical seals can effectively avoid the problem of water leakage.
5. The stator insulation of the motor is Grade F and the protection level is IP68, which can effectively prevent the motor from burning out after long-term use.

1. 电机及泵体一体化,结构紧凑,易于安装和测试。
2. 叶轮采用独特的螺旋结构设计,能有效避免纤维材料的缠绕和堵塞。
3. 泵的整体结构坚固耐用,泵壳采用高质量的铸铁材料制成,具有卓越的耐腐蚀和抗磨损性能。
4. 采用高端机械密封,能有效避免泄漏问题。
5. 电机定子绝缘等级为F级,保护等级为IP68,可以有效地预防电机长时间使用后损坏。

Structure (结构)
The pump is mainly composed of a pump body, impeller, motor bracket, and submersible motor. The pump body is made of high-quality cast iron, which is sturdy and durable, and has excellent anti-corrosion and anti-wear properties. The motor bracket is made of aluminum alloy, which is light in weight and corrosion-resistant. The impeller is made of high-chromium alloy, which has good wear resistance and corrosion resistance.


Installation and Use (安装使用)
1. The pump should be installed on a hard and flat foundation, and the pump body should be fixed firmly to avoid vibration and noise during operation.
2. Check the power supply voltage before using the pump to make sure it meets the requirements.
3. Pay attention to the direction of rotation of the motor during installation. If the rotation direction is incorrect, the wiring of the power supply should be adjusted in time.
4. The pump should be completely immersed in water during use, and the water level should not be lower than the minimum immersion depth indicated by the pump.
5. Regularly check the pump’s operation status, the motor’s insulation, and the mechanical seal’s leakage. Clean the pump regularly, and replace the wear parts in time to ensure the normal and reliable operation of the pump.

1. 泵应安装在硬、平地基上,泵体应固定牢固,以避免运行时出现振动和噪声。
2. 使用泵之前,应检查电源电压是否符合要求。
3. 安装时要注意电机的旋转方向,如转向不正确,应及时调整电源的接线。
4. 使用时,泵应完全浸入水中,水位不应低于泵所示的最小浸入深度。
5. 定期检查泵的运行状态、电机的绝缘、机械密封的泄漏及清理泵体,及时更换磨损零件,以确保泵的正常可靠运行。

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